Cstr Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Model Report

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs)
Batch Reactor vs. Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
Design and Use of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
Difference Between Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs) and Plug Flow Reactors (PFRs)

A CSTR can produce large amounts of product per unit time and operate for long periods of time, but is not as useful for reactions with slow kinetics. For this type of synthesis, batch reactors are typically the preferred solution.

PFR reactors tend to be more space efficient and have higher conversion rates. However, they are not typically used for highly exothermic reactions since rapid increases in temperature are difficult to control. In addition, PFRs have higher operation and maintenance costs than CSTRs.

Advantages of CSTRs vs. PFRs

  • Temperature control is easily maintained
  • Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor behavior is well understood, including in mixing, reaction calorimetry, dosing options and chemical kinetics
  • Less expensive and easier to construct than dedicated specialty flow systems
  • Interior of reactor is accessible for Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
  • Multiple units can be easily joined for cascade operation or integration in more complex flow systems with PFR, etc.

Disadvantages of CSTRs vs. PFRs

  • Overall throughput per unit volume typically lower than tubular flow reactors
  • Steady state needs to be maintained so system needs to be well understood
  • Single units not optimal for reactions with slow kinetics
Residence Time Distribution (RTD) in CSTR Reactors
CSTR and Process Analytical Technology

Featured Article: Continuous Process For Safe Production of Diazomethane

ReactIR Monitors the Diazoketone Concentration and is Used For RTD Determination

Wernik, M., Poechlauer, P., Schmoelzer, C., Dallinger, D., & Kappe, C. O. (2019). Design and Optimization of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Cascade for Membrane-Based Diazomethane Production: Synthesis of α-Chloroketones. Organic Process Research & Development, 23(7), 1359–1368. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00115

The authors report the development of a diazomethane generator consisting of a CSTR cascade with internal membrane separation technology. They used this technology in a three step, telescoped synthesis of a chiral α-chloroketone – an important intermediate compound in the synthesis of HIV protease inhibitors. A coil reactor was used to generate a mixed anhydride that was passed into the CSTR diazomethane cascade. The Teflon membrane allowed diffusion of the diazomethane into the CSTR where it reacted with the anhydride to form the corresponding diazoketone. The diazoketone was then converted to the α-chloroketone by reaction with HCl in a batch reactor.

ReactIR measurements were used to follow the formation of the intermediate diazoketone compound (tracking 2107 cm-1 peak) and also to experimentally determine the residence time distribution for the system by tracking the tracer substance. The tracer experiment monitored by ReactIR determined that five reactor volumes of the second CSTR in the cascade were required to reach steady state, corresponding to a 6 hour start-up time.

Featured Article: Automated Intermittent Flow Suzuki Coupling System with Associated Downstream Operations

OptiMax Used as MSMPR Reaction Vessels in Continuous Crystallization

Cole, K. P., Campbell, B. M., Forst, M. B., McClary Groh, J., Hess, M., Johnson, M. D., Miller, R. D., Mitchell, D., Polster, C. S., Reizman, B. J., & Rosemeyer, M. (2016). An Automated Intermittent Flow Approach to Continuous Suzuki Coupling. Organic Process Research & Development, 20(4), 820–830. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.6b00030

The authors report the development of a system to enable a fully automated intermittent flow liquid−liquid Suzuki coupling, as well as handle batch metal treatment and continuous crystallization. With respect to the continuous crystallization, OptiMax reactors were used in series as Multistage Mixed Suspension and Mixed Product Removal (MSMPR) vessels driving the ambient temperature antisolvent crystallization. These MSMPR vessels act as CSTRs that produce and transfer a slurry containing crystals of the product. The authors report that the nominal residence time in the crystallizers was calculated by the fill volume of the crystallizers divided by the total flow rate of incoming feeds. PAT, including Particle Track with FBRM and Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR), was used in measuring the continuous crystallization.

Featured Article: PFR-CSTR Cascade For Continuous Reactive Crystallization

ReactIR and ParticleTrack Provide PAT Information and Feedback

Hu, C., Shores, B. T., Derech, R. A., Testa, C. J., Hermant, P., Wu, W., Shvedova, K., Ramnath, A., Al Ismaili, L. Q., Su, Q., Sayin, R., Born, S. C., Takizawa, B., O'Connor, T. F., Yang, X., Ramanujam, S., & Mascia, S. (2020). Continuous reactive crystallization of an API in PFR-CSTR cascade with in-line PATs. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 5(10), 1950–1962. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0re00216j

The authors report the development of a combined PFR-CSTR cascade flow reactor system that incorporated inline FTIR and FBRM sensors as process analytical technology. This system was used to investigate several continuous reactive crystallizations, determining crystal morphology, crystal size distribution, reaction and crystallization yields and supersaturation levels. Residence time distribution (RTD) for the PFR, CSTR cascade and PFR-CSTR cascade were measured and showed that the combined PFR-CSTR cascade had a slightly longer RTD than that of the CSTR cascade alone. For the reactive crystallization, a higher yield was obtained for the PFR-CSTR cascade system as a result of the PFR's narrower RTD, minimizing both unreacted material and impurity formation.

ReactIR and ParticleTrack probes measured the reactant concentration and crystal chord length during the reactive crystallization process. The reactant concentrations in the mother liquor measured by ReactIR were in good agreement with HPLC results (prediction error < 0.17 %). ParticleTrack measurements revealed a relatively stable chord length of ~ 150 µm.

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors in Recent Publications

  • Agnew, L. R., McGlone, T., Wheatcroft, H. P., Robertson, A., Parsons, A. R., & Wilson, C. C. (2017). Continuous Crystallization of Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) Form II: Selective Access to a Metastable Solid Form.Crystal Growth & Design,17(5), 2418–2427. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01831
  • Ahmed, B., Brown, C. J., McGlone, T., Bowering, D. L., Sefcik, J., & Florence, A. J. (2019). Engineering of acetaminophen particle attributes using a wet milling crystallisation platform.International Journal of Pharmaceutics,554, 201–211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2018.10.073
  • Cole, K. P., Campbell, B. M., Forst, M. B., McClary Groh, J., Hess, M., Johnson, M. D., Miller, R. D., Mitchell, D., Polster, C. S., Reizman, B. J., & Rosemeyer, M. (2016). An Automated Intermittent Flow Approach to Continuous Suzuki Coupling.Organic Process Research & Development,20(4), 820–830. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.6b00030
  • Dobrosavljevic, I., Schaer, E., Commenge, J., & Falk, L. (2016). Intensification of a highly exothermic chlorination reaction using a combined experimental and simulation approach for fast operating conditions prediction.Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification,105, 46–63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2016.04.007
  • Feng, R., Ramchandani, S., Salih, N. M., Lim, X. Y. E., Tan, S. W. B., Lee, L. Y., Teoh, S. K., Sharratt, P., & Boodhoo, K. (2019). Process Intensification Strategies and Sustainability Analysis for Amidation Processing in the Pharmaceutical Industry.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,58(11), 4656–4666. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.8b04063
  • Glace, A. W., Cohen, B. M., Dixon, D. D., Beutner, G. L., Vanyo, D., Akpinar, F., Rosso, V., Fraunhoffer, K. J., DelMonte, A. J., Santana, E., Wilbert, C., Gallo, F., & Bartels, W. (2020). Safe Scale-up of an Oxygen-Releasing Cleavage of Evans Oxazolidinone with Hydrogen Peroxide.Organic Process Research & Development,24(2), 172–182. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00462
  • Hu, C., Shores, B. T., Derech, R. A., Testa, C. J., Hermant, P., Wu, W., Shvedova, K., Ramnath, A., Al Ismaili, L. Q., Su, Q., Sayin, R., Born, S. C., Takizawa, B., O'Connor, T. F., Yang, X., Ramanujam, S., & Mascia, S. (2020). Continuous reactive crystallization of an API in PFR-CSTR cascade with in-line PATs.Reaction Chemistry & Engineering,5(10), 1950–1962. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0re00216j
  • Li, B., Guinness, S. M., Hoagland, S., Fichtner, M., Kim, H., Li, S., Maguire, R. J., McWilliams, J. C., Mustakis, J., Raggon, J., Campos, D., Voss, C. R., Sohodski, E., Feyock, B., Murnen, H., Gonzalez, M., Johnson, M., Lu, J., Feng, X., . . . Wu, B. (2018). Continuous Production of Anhydrous tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide in Nonane Using Membrane Pervaporation and Its Application in Flow Oxidation of a γ-Butyrolactam.Organic Process Research & Development,22(6), 707–720. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.8b00083
  • Wernik, M., Poechlauer, P., Schmoelzer, C., Dallinger, D., & Kappe, C. O. (2019). Design and Optimization of a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Cascade for Membrane-Based Diazomethane Production: Synthesis of α-Chloroketones.Organic Process Research & Development,23(7), 1359–1368. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.9b00115
  • Yang, X., Acevedo, D., Mohammad, A., Pavurala, N., Wu, H., Brayton, A. L., Shaw, R. A., Goldman, M. J., He, F., Li, S., Fisher, R. J., O'Connor, T. F., & Cruz, C. N. (2017). Risk Considerations on Developing a Continuous Crystallization System for Carbamazepine.Organic Process Research & Development,21(7), 1021–1033. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.oprd.7b00130
  • Yang, Y., Song, L., & Nagy, Z. K. (2015). Automated Direct Nucleation Control in Continuous Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal Cooling Crystallization.Crystal Growth & Design,15(12), 5839–5848. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.5b01219


Source: https://www.mt.com/de/en/home/products/L1_AutochemProducts/Chemical-Synthesis-and-Process-Development-Lab-Reactors/continuous-stirred-tank-reactors-cstr.html

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